The production process

Both for the bricks and the roof tiles are identical and include the following stages:

1. Extraction and processing of the raw material

The combination of different raw materials extracted in the surrounding areas, gives the material the appropriate mechanical strength and color!

2. Shaping

This is achieved by 350 KW presses

3. Drying

More than 700 engines are used to evaporate more than 500 tons of water per day.

4. Firing

This is done in 2 separate kiIns, one for the roof tiles and one for the bricks, each 200 meters long. In the roof tiles, the HTA cassette method is used to fire them one by one.

5. Quality control

It involves compression strength, dimension tolerance, color application, water impermeability, service life, thermal insulation and sound insulation characteristics.

6. Packaging and automatic storage

Like everything else, packaging and storage are done through automated processes and robotic systems, thus achieving a safe way of storage and transport.The automatic warehouse of BRITISHCERAMICS is ​​70.000m².


The modern pioneering mechanical equipment, the fully automated production process with modern robotic technology, result in the production of products of high specification. The choice of clay, which is the raw material, is done thoroughly with continuous laboratory tests and analysis.

In 2018, marking a decade since the inception of BRITISHCERAMICS and drawing upon decades of experience in the ceramics industry, the next significant stride in the development of BRITISHCERAMICS’ strategy was achieved. Dry milling substantially diminishes the granulometry of the clay, enhancing its homogeneity. This results in a final product boasting excellent technical and aesthetic characteristics

Mechanical strengths increase, porosity and water permeability minimize, while the smooth surface is ideal to aplly new styles, satisfying even the highest aesthetic expectations! There is continuous monitoring of quality at all stages of production and with emphasis on the final product in order to be fully harmonized with the Greek and European regulations.

The privately-owned crane fleet combined with impeccable product packaging ensure safe and on time delivery. The 2 autonomous brick and roof tile production units have an annual production capacity of 700,000 tons of bricks and 75,000,000 pieces of roof tiles.